Validating executions
HttpMaster validates every execution of every request item and marks it as successful or failed. By default, HttpMaster determines the status of each execution only according to the returned HTTP status code. In general, all executions with the status code in the ranges 1xx, 2xx and 3xx are considered successful, all executions with status code in the ranges 4xx and 5xx are considered unsuccessful. This kind of validation is used by default for each new request item. For more information on using validations in request item properties, see the
corresponding topic.
Validations can be managed in the
Validations tab of project properties.
Add validation
To add validation, click
Add new button in the toolbar located above validation list. New validation with default name is automatically added to the list. Name of validation must contain only alphanumeric characters or underscore, you can safely rename validation even after it is in use by request items and name will be changed everywhere validation is used.
Names of validations in particular project must be unique.
Specify properties of validation
Properties of the validation are managed in the pane located next to the validation list. You have to select validation type and specify possible validation values, for example, response body text that will be compared to the actual response body data during execution validation.
Using validations
When you will use validations in the validation expression field of the request item, you will have to enclose them in curly braces. To show the list of currently available validations, press
Crtl+Space when cursor is inside the validation expression field.
For a step-by-step tutorial on using validations, see the
corresponding topic in
How to section.