Create new project
To create new project, select menu option
File/New Project or press
Ctrl+N. The project window is opened where you can specify various project properties. For more information on project data, see the
corresponding topic.
Open existing project
To open existing project that has been saved to a file, select menu option
File/Open Project or press
Ctrl+O. An open dialog window is opened where you can search for the HttpMaster project files. HttpMaster project files have
hmpr extension.
If you want to directly open saved HttpMaster project file (hmpr), locate it on the disk (for example, with Windows Explorer) and double-click the project file. Because HttpMaster application has been associated with hmpr files during the setup of HttpMaster, the double-clicked project file will be opened in HttpMaster application.
Open recently used project
To open one of the recently open projects, select menu option
File/Recent Project and select one of the projects that are listed as sub-menus.
Reload open project from disk
To reload currently open project from disk, select menu option
File/Reload Project from Disk or press
Ctrl+Shift+R. If open project contains unsaved changes, confirmation message will be displayed.
View project properties
To view and manage properties of the open project, select menu option
Edit/Properties or press
Save project
To save current project to a file, select menu option
File/Save Project or press
If the currently open project is new project, the save dialog will be opened where you will have to select the location of the project file (hmpr).
Save project to a new file
To create new project from an existing project, select menu option
File/Save Project As or press
Ctrl+Shift+S. This will allow you to save the currently open project to a new file. The changes made since the most recent save will not be saved to the currently open project; all unsaved changes will be saved only to the new project file.
Close project
To close currently open project, select menu option
File/Close Project or press
Ctrl+F4. Note that the application will display a confirmation dialog if you will try to close the project with unsaved data. The same warning will be displayed if you will try to close the application or try to open new project while there is still the project with unsaved data open.
Open project file location
To open disk location where current project is stored, double-click the main status bar section where project location is displayed; this will open disk location in Windows Explorer.