View Execution Results

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When request items are executing in the execution window, you can monitor the status of the item that is currently executing, current number of accomplished executions for the particular request item, current number of successful and failed executions, and the most recent request item error, if any.

Execution status

Execution status for the particular item is displayed with the icon in front of the item name. The following execution statuses are possible:
  • Idle; item has not yet started executing or has been skipped.
  • Executing; the item is currently executing its requests.
  • Successful; item has successfully processed all its requests.
  • Failed; at least one of the requests for the item failed.
  • Cancelled; the execution of the item has been cancelled by the user.

View execution data

After the execution of the particular item has been completed, you can view its execution data by clicking the button Open and view execution details of selected items in the execution toolbar, double-clicking the item, or by pressing Enter key. You can also select multiple already executed items and open their execution view simultaneously. You can also decide to view only successful or failed executions. The execution data is displayed in the separate tab that contains two parts:
  • The upper part contains a list with every request that has been executed for the item; the status (Successful/Failed) and the URL string are displayed for each request. This list can display up to 1.000 requests; if the item has generated more than 1.000 requests, you can page other requests with the two paging buttons available in the execution toolbar.
  • The lower part contains all request/response data for the execution selected in the upper list. Several tabs are available that list all important request/response data.

Execution data toolbar

Above the execution data you will find execution toolbar that enables you to perform various actions on the response data, for example:
  • View response body with non-default response viewer. HttpMaster tries to automatically select the best response viewer for the response body, but you can manually choose another response viewer.
  • Open selected execution in basic request window.
  • Execute selected execution URL in a default web browser.
  • Export response body to an external file.
  • Create PDF report with execution data.
  • Search for particular phrase inside execution data.

Response viewer

HttpMaster also features Pretty response tab where it tries to display response body in a pretty form, for example, if the response is of content type application/xml, HttpMaster will try to display pretty formatted XML It is also possible to set default pretty viewer in application options; in such a case, HttpMaster will always display response data with this default pretty viewer without automatically determining the best viewer.
HttpMaster currently supports the following pretty viewers:
  • Text.
  • XML.
  • JSON.
  • HTML.
  • CSS.
  • Image (JPEG, PNG, and GIF supported).
Some of the pretty viewers automatically display line numbers and indent guide lines, and also add markers for code folding. All these features can be disabled in application options.