HttpMaster can URL encode project parameters and chaining items with the selected request encoding. URL encoding setting can be managed:
- In project properties.
- In request item properties.
- In parameter and chaining item definition.
URL encoding setting in project properties
URL encoding behavior can be set globally in project properties (
Advanced tab). Here you can separately specify whether generated values are URL encoded if used in:
If set to true, execution engine will URL encode all parameter/chaining values before the execution. Default value for both options is true. This setting can be overriden in request item properties or parameter/chaining definition.
URL encoding setting in request item properties
You can also specify URL encoding setting in request item properties (
Advanced tab) thus overriding global setting from project properties. The following options are available:
- Use URL encode setting value from project; this option will use global URL encoding setting value from project properties (see previous section). This is the default value.
- Always URL encode; this option assures that parameter/chaining values used in request item are always URL encoded - global project setting is ignored.
- Never URL encode; this option assures that parameter/chaining values used in request item are never URL encoded - global project setting is ignored.
URL encoding setting in parameter and chaining item definition
Setting URL encoding behavior in parameter or chaining item definition has the highest priority and overrides URL encoding settings from project properties and request item properties. To specify URL encoding behavior for particular parameter or chaining item, open project properties, select the desired parameter or chaining item and select one of the following options:
- Use URL encode setting value from request item that uses this data item; this option will use URL encoding setting value from request item properties where parameter/chaining item is used (see previous section). This is the default value.
- Always URL encode; this option assures that parameter/chaining values will always be URL encoded ignoring project and request item settings.
- Never URL encode; this option assures that parameter/chaining values will never be URL encoded ignoring project and request item settings.
URL encoding is always performed with the request character encoding specified in project properties. To change this, open project properties and select desired request encoding in the
General tab.
HttpMaster can URL encode only parameters and chaining items defined in project properties. It does not automatically URL encode any literal value specified in the URL or request body. If you would like to manually URL encode some literal value prior to execution, use
URL Encode menu available in
Field tools button.