Use Request Headers

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Request item headers

If you want some headers to be included with particular request item only and you do not want to define them as project headers, enter them in the corresponding field in request item properties (Headers tab). Each header must be specified on a separate line, name and value for each header must be separated by a colon.
Headers specified in this field will override included project headers with the same name.
It is possible to use parameters or chaining items in the field for request item headers; you can press Ctrl+Space or Ctrl+Shift+Space to see the list of available data.

Project request headers

All HTTP headers specified in project properties are by default included with each request item and will be part of each request that will be generated from the request item. You can, however, change this behavior for particular request item in the Headers tab of request item properties. The following options are available:
  • Include all project headers when executing request item; this will include all headers defined in project properties.
  • Exclude all project headers when executing request item; this will exclude all headers defined in project properties.
  • Include only the following project headers when executing request item; this enables you to include only selected project headers.