Request Item Data

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Request Item URL

When specifying URL for the request item, you have the following types of URL available:
  • Absolute URL; this requires to specify absolute URL in request item properties.
  • Relative URL; this requires to specify relative URL in request item properties.
  • Global URL only; URL should not be specified in request item properties; only global URL will be used.

Absolute URL

If you have decided to ignore global URL data specified in project properties, you have to specify absolute URL in the URL field. Note that if the global URL data in project properties is not specified, this is the only option you will be able to use when specifying URL for request item. All other options require the presence of global URL data in project properties. When executing the request item, the application will use only absolute URL data from request item properties for execution.

Relative URL

If you have decided to prepend global URL data specified in project properties, you have to specify relative URL in the URL field. Note that if the global URL data in project properties is not specified, you will not be able to save the request item. When executing the request item, the application will combine global URL data from project properties and relative URL from request item into an absolute URL and use it for the execution.

Global URL only

If you have decided to use only global URL data specified in project properties, the URL field in request item properties will be disabled. Note that if the global URL data in project properties is not specified, you will not be able to save the request item. When executing the request item, the application will use only global URL data from project properties for the execution.

Append global query string data from project properties

If you have specified global query string data in project properties and you want to include it with the request item URL, select the option to append global query string data from project. Note that if the global query string data is not specified in project properties, you will not be able to save the request item data. If the request item URL field already contains query string data, the global query string data will be appended to the end of the existing query string data.


To specify HTTP method, select one of the methods available in the drop down or type the desired method name.

Content type

Select appropriate content type for your request data from the drop down list or enter your own. The value specified here will be set as the value of Content-type header when request will be executed.
If you are going to include charset information in content type value, make sure that the charset value specified matches Request encoding specified in project properties. When executing requests, request body data will be encoded with the Request encoding specified in project properties.


Select pretty viewer for request body. This setting is only for more user-friendly display, it does not have any effect on the generated HTTP request.

Request data

The following upload types of request data are possible:
  • String data type.
  • Single file contents type.
  • Multipart form data type.

String data type

To specify string request data, enter it in the request data field. The most common content types include application/xml, application/json, text/plain, or application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
When specifying application/x-www-form-urlencoded data, enter each element on a separate line and separate name and value with =. Alternatively, you can click Create button to create body from an existing HTML content.

Single file contents type

If you want to upload file from disk, select corresponding option and enter disk location of the file (path relative to the open project file can be used). You can also click Browse button to locate the file on the disk.

Multipart form data type

If you want to upload multipart form data, select corresponding option and enter each data element on a separate line, you can also include files from your computer. When specifying disk location of the file, path relative to the open project file can be used. Content type should be set to multipart/form-data (set automatically when this upload type is selected). During the upload process, HttpMaster will include all data elements with valid file path as files; others will be included as plain text data. If you would like to include content type with particular element, specify content type value after the element value and separate them with vertical bar. To automatically create data elements from an existing HTML content, you can click button Create and obtain data from an existing HTML content.
It is possible to include parameters or chaining items in the request data field; use corresponding menus available in the Insert dynamic data button located next to the request body field.