Advanced Options

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Advanced project data can be managed in the Advanced tab of the project properties. You can specify the following options:
  • Allow request to follow redirections; if redirections are followed, HTTP return codes from redirection range (3xx) won't be returned to the application, but will automatically redirect.
  • Create persistent connections; creates persistent/non-persistent connection by sending the Connection header with the Keep-alive or Close values.
  • Automatically decompress response data; if enabled, adds Accept-encoding header and automatically decompresses received compressed data.
  • URL encode parameter/chaining values used in URL; if enabled, values generated from parameters and chainings will be URL encoded with the request character encoding specified for the project. For more information, see the corresponding topic.
  • URL encode parameter/chaining values used in request body; if enabled, values generated from parameters and chainings will be URL encoded with the request character encoding specified for the project. For more information, see the corresponding topic.
  • Default execution type:
    • Standard execution; execution data will be temporarily stored to disk during the execution and complete request and response data will be available for review. This temporarily stored execution data is automatically deleted by the application when no longer needed (temporary data storage location can be specified in application options).
    • Plain execution; execution data won't be temporarily stored to disk during the execution; only requests will be executed and request and response data won't be available for review. Execution should complete slightly faster since no data is stored. Alternatively, you can start plain execution directly in the main window by using the corresponding menu options.