How To Execute SOAP Request

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Since SOAP is actually a special form of XML, you can call SOAP methods exposed via HTTP and view their responses. Let's assume that you have created SOAP method CreateUser that accepts two string parameters: firstName and lastName. To execute this method with SOAP request in HttpMaster, follow this procedure:
  • Open basic request window with the menu Tools - Basic Request.
  • Enter URL to your web service in the Execution URL field, for example, http://localhost/Service1.asmx.
  • Select POST method from the corresponding drop down.
  • Select String type from the Upload data type drop down.
  • Select application/soap+xml content type from the corresponding drop down.
  • Enter the following data in the String body data field:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">
      <CreateUser xmlns="">
  • Execute the request with the corresponding button from the toolbar.