Pre-Execution and Post-Execution Actions

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If you would like to run some action (executable file, batch file, PowerShell script, etc.) before or after request item execution, you can specify this in Advanced tab of request item properties.

Available actions

There are two action types available:
  • Pre-execution action; this action will run before execution of request item will start.
  • Post-execution action; this action will run after execution of request item will complete.

Action data

With each action the following data can be specified:
  • File to execute; this data is mandatory and specifies location of the file (including its file name) that will be run. Path relative to the HttpMaster project can be specified.
  • Arguments; this data is optional and specifies command line arguments passed to the file that will be run.
  • Working directory; this data is optional and specifies working directory for the process that will be run. If empty, HttpMaster project directory is used. Path relative to the HttpMaster project can be specified.
  • Run action; this data is mandatory and specifies the condition for the action.

Action condition

Actions support the following execution conditions:
  • Never (disabled); this option effectively disables the action so that it will never run. This is the same as not specifying file path for the action.
  • Always; this option guarantees that action will always run no matter what is the outcome of the request item execution (success/failure).
  • Only if request item succeeded; with this option action will run only if request item execution succeeded. This option is available only for post-execution action.
  • Only if request item failed; with this option action will run only if request item execution failed. This option is available only for post-execution action.

Action application support

Actions support the following application options:
  • All; this option will execute the action no matter which application is running the project.
  • GUI application only; this option will execute the action only if the project is run by HttpMaster Windows application.
  • Command line interface only; this option will execute the action only if the project is run by command line interface.
Example to run PowerShell script before request item execution
To run some PowerShell script before the execution of request item, follow these steps:
  • Open request item properties and switch to Advanced tab.
  • Locate Pre-execution action group.
  • Set Run option to 'Always'.
  • Set File to execute to PowerShell executable file, for example, 'C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe'.
  • Set Argument to PowerShell script you would like to execute, for example, 'C:\Scripts\Powershell\action.ps1'.
  • Set Working directory to the desired working directory, for example, 'C:\Temp'.